4 days ago

Cartoon Buddies (new)

The new Cartoon Buddies, or also known as the Funtoon Cartoon Buddies, are recurring antagonists of the a Week with Javier franchise. This group consisted of Funtoon Mindy, Funtoon Javier, Funtoon Mr. M, Funtoon Violet, Funtoon Mike, Funtoon Matty, Funtoon Jacky, the Cyangle, Lily, and Funtoon Molly. They used to be newer versions of the old Cartoon Buddies, except the Cyangle and Lily, who were original members of the new Cartoon Buddies. The new Cartoon Buddies are seem to be bluntly mischievous, such as trying to kill. They were working together with the old Cartoon Buddies to hunt and murder, not having any intense conflicts each other.



Next up

Forgotten Member

The Boss of the Cartoon Buddies

Happy expressions of the Cartoon Buddies

HI HI HI back from the dead!! And good news? A BRAND NEW RENDER FOR YOU ALL TO ENJOY!

Javier and his fake (Five Nights with Javier)

Cold Memories | The Fazbear Facility - Teaser

Cheerful Youths

Rotten Cartoons

My Birthday + Final Release

Furious Cartoon