The Springlock: Aftermath

3 years ago

Changes in the office | The Springlock: Aftermath [November Devlog]

Heya, I'm here to talk about what I've done all this month

Nothing, thanks for read this post.

Nevermind, I'm recoding the again because the final result of old Springlock was ugly (more info here)

So I finished the first part of the game and now I need make more assets. The thing is that I was looking at the game office carefully and I realized that something did not make sense, there was a table in front of the door, that looked very bad. So I have moved the table but now something else happened, that part where the table was located before now lacked details, so I decided to improve the office for the tenth time. After 2 days (lol 2 days yes) I finished the office so here the result





Well for now is all I have to say, I just wanted to show you the new office

Soon more news, until next time.



Next up

Coming next week!

DEMO v1.0.4 - Released, new graphics quality options

Loop! is available now on Windows!

Play it for free, but if you want, you can buy it for your own price and support me as a developer.

However, you can get the Google Play version and buy the one-time offer to support me and get special items!


Yo, I've been learning C++ in these days, so I made this program that calculates mean, median and mode for practice.

I'm on my way to coding my own game engine!

Rat Race Production Update

Are you ready to witness the aftermath?

@FazbearGameverse 4 will showcase The Springlock: Aftermath on Saturday, 08/24.

Stay tuned!

Quick update:

I'm still working on the game, of course. In the last few weeks I focused on finishing the DEMO, and now I can say that it's almost ready.

If all goes well, the DEMO will be released very soon!


My new game will be released this week. The delay was due to finishing the game and solving some problems. Hopefully the game will be ready before Wednesday and available for free on GameJolt and Google Play!

Some game screenshots above.