29 days ago

Clones Plus is almost a year old and has been used in at least two (2) projects!



Next up

🥱🥱💤 oh uh ahem.. hi.

I thought y'all might want this so uh.. coming soon

Scratch Team opening their emails just to find it's me again

Congrats to @Obviousalexc for releasing Pen+ V7, a genuine technical marvel for Scratch extensions. You rock!

All extensions from Pen Group will now load unsandboxed by default on https://alpha.unsandboxed.org/.


Yo Codin House Office

Soon, extensions from URLs will be able to run without the sandbox, unlike TW.

This is experimental and may be removed in the future, just as a word of warning.

Unsandboxed now fully supports creating custom Scratch Link (Peripheral) extensions, like LEGO Boost, EV3 and WeDo.

BLE support allows you to make peripheral extensions for anything that can connect to Scratch Link.

(Pictured is a custom PoweredUP ext)

I decompiled the source code for "Video Sprites" (the Scratch Lab extension), but I can't legally share or use it, which is a shame.

*Works on a huge code for an ai do different things, the code don't work, do it again*

this was the shit, man