1 year ago

Come on feel the noise

Girls rock your boys

We'l get wild wild wild

wild wild wild


Song Link- https://open.spotify.com/track/3vV3cr2TpPqFk07zxYUbla?si=94WXSsltSdylCM3Cl9fc2w&utm_source=copy-link



Next up

Today was my nieces last day of 8th grade.

She's so grown up now, heading off to 9th grade.

Stop making me old, girl.

Day 3 of niece in DC aka her last day.

My niece from the dance at her school yesterday

And I was a chaperone there

My nieces progress

Hola from Washington DC

- Anna

My niece being emo again

My niece and nephew

My nephew is her brother, Chance. His birthday was today. He's 20. God, I am getting old

Thank You.