Georgiger's Fun nā€™ Games

24 days ago

Comparing my Old Model vs New!

Old(Left) vs New (Right)



Next up

I'm tired John...

(Idk just posting some renders for fun)

And she brings out a tool ZIS BIG

Totally Normal John pug render. Nothing wrong here


Lynn Loedin in Casual Clothing

(Also she is wearing a sugars shirt as basically she got the shirt from her father as a hand me down, she hates the restaurant but keeps the shirt with her as mementos)


Ima drop this and not say anything

Happy Fathers Day!

All fathers flesh and bone and metal and plastic are Valid!

Number 7's name is!.. Oh well, you're not ready to know it yet, but now you can simply refer to her as "A.R."

New Victory Screen!

Art by: @Random_User3