Five Nights at Chica's Party World
1 year ago

Congrats to the Chica's Part World Challenge Winners

Congrats to at @RuffyRockrash @BladeWeaver and @DarkTaurus For being the first on youtube to beat the game and upload videos of it.

I don't actually have the latest Fredbear's 3 build ready since I didn't expect people to beat it so soon and the one I was gonna send, well the youtubers already had early access to it so it would be the same thing so I gotta make a new one. Ill send it to you all 3 when I can. Sorry if it is taking some time.

Thank you for doing this though. I really am thankful for it!



Next up

Behind the scenes facts number 1

Animatronic Megalodons make complete realistic sense and are an actual thing

SOS NEED HELP its impossible for me to upload the game due to it being 9 GBs big. How do I fix this?

Halo 3 Desolate December Intro Cutscene This will make alot more sense once I actually implement this into the game with bink video and it cuts to the mission and your in a falcon.

Nobody has found this ending yet for Five Nights at chicas lol.

So The benefit of having over thousands of dollars worth of dinosaur models is that Adding them to the game takes barley any effort as all the work was already done. Animatronic Ceratosaurus is happy to become the 2nd phase boss fight for umbra XD

CN pretty much done now, Whats next now.

To do list for the game. Hope this hypes you all up, Like I said we are really close to the game being done.

Five Nights at Fredbear's 3 Shadow Freddy Cutscene Shadow Freddy is defeated out of the ceratosaurus and he tells the reason for his aggression.

Here is the teaser for the space map. This shit is gonna be amazing