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New header/thumbnail made by @Mortuus !!!
There will be a new thumbnail later on with animations, for now this is it! :)
(WIP by @Mortuus )
This is something to show in the meantime, not much, but it's something at least that I genuinely can show lmao
Rat Race Production Update
Surprise! Here's the new Freddy model/render made by @Mortuus
There will be more overtime absolutely, we just loved how he looked here and wanted to show him off! :)
Five Nights at Candy's 3: Mini Sugar Rush! is now available!
While I'm chilling from game dev, gonna show the endo that was made by @Mortuus
Till next time when I return to working on the projects!
I'm too lazy to retype, but TLDR; I'm taking a break from development till I get back to South Carolina (in April or May). I'ma try to finish model commissions in the meantime to get stuff off my back. Till next time :P
No way I have 78 circles, that's far better than a weakling thumbs up