Dame The Knight Wolf
"Knight Of Ocean Valley"
Age : 21-present, 17 - DIBV - Upcoming Projects
Species : Wolf - Based on the European Wolf
Color : Lavender - Eye Color : Periwinkle - Male
(Characters Bio)
Dame is the Knight Of Ocean Valley and Slider of his Kingdom, Dame job is took request from the Empress within a Kingdom called Oceania to serve the justice with reward of heroism, Dame have been chosen to be a Knight at the age of 12 due to he don't have the potential to be a great warrior but has to learn about the basic of Knighthood for the next 4 years of his life.
Dame was called throughout Ocean Valley by his nickname name Dash in which he don't mind at all due to he is being the one of fastest knight within all of Ocean Valley but Dame still believe he has a long way to go and improved as a Knight to have a goal to find his mother who goes missing many years ago.
#Protagonist #Fan #Characters #In #OC #Knight #Sword #Fantasy #Valley #Medieval #Sonic #Wolf #Dame #Notre #Dash #The #Hedgehog #SonicOC #Birth