11 years ago

Delays, Troubleshooting and a ToDo List!

Today’s just been a bucket load of dramas with GameMaker Studio.

Turns out I had “Auto update” turned on in Steam, so it went ahead and you know, messed up the whole show.

I had to submit a bug report to the YYG bug tracker, about how instance deactivation was completely munted in the latest HTML5 export module builds.

It was met with a very delayed and disgruntled response from a troll, thankfully a Twitter buddy showed me a way to downgrade on the Steam version which wasn’t overly obvious or explanatory at all.

I had to revert back about 2 or more versions for it to work at all.

I had been worried for the past 24 hours that my dungeon generator was at fault, but it turned out to just be a dodgy version of GM:Studio.

Essentially, the game would just hang when played in browser as soon as instance deactivation tried to make a call after the player creation kicked in… It’s been an entire day of delays, troubleshooting and ridiculous amounts of typing.

Some good did come out of today though, while waiting for any sort of help for a hours, I formed a to-do list for DeadBase. [see attached]


Thanks for reading my rant.



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