TS!UNDERSWAP [Undertale Fangame]
7 years ago

Demo Progress - Unirevision AU - New AU Wiki

Hey guys! Gran here with the first devlog in AGES!

This devlog is gonna be divided in 3 parts: The progress of the demo and details on why it’s delayed, an AU comic of mine that’s based upon our version of Underswap, and a new AU wiki which TS members together with several other AU creators like Patwhit01 (creator of Unexpecterchanged, Smashtale, and The Underground Turnabout) and sp441 (Creator of Altered Destiny and Undermyth) have made.

First off: Demo.

The progress of the demo has been going slow but steady. Unfortunately due to complications a big chunk of our engine’s code needs to be re-written and as per usual we only have a small number of active programmers. Most of the stuff in terms of dialogue, sprites, music, etc has been done but it all needs to be coded but before that, as stated before, parts of the engine need to be re-written.
As always anything but the programmer/coder position is closed. We’re still looking for experienced and dedicated programmers who can help us with the game.
Once we’ve made actual reportable on progress on the demo we’ll be posting another progress update. Sorry for leaving most of you in the dark.

Second: Unirevision.

Unirevision (Previously known as RevampedSwap) is an AU i’ve been working actively on for about 2 months now and am currently making an AU comic for. This is basically the replacement for the Underswap comic i made a first part of several months ago but was never continued (Lack of motivation, constant changes to character designs, dialogue, etc.) Me together with Beetho and several other people are working on this.
If interested, the blog for the AU can be found here: (sharing this link, if you like the au, is also very appreciated xxoo)
Parts will likely be announced on the Gamejolt as well if people are interested in reading this while waiting for the demo/full game.

And last but not least: The AU wiki.

Due to constant frustrations with the current more popular AU wiki
(- Incompetent staff on the wiki who ban people for idiotic reasons or refuse to fix things

  • People who create pages for dead aus or their own AUs/”ocs” that are just cruddy undertale reskins or character reskins

  • lack of profession on the part of staff, who refuse to do maintenance by getting rid of the dead spammy pages)

Team Switched together with several AU creators decided to make a new and improved version of it fixing all of the above.
A link to the wiki can be found here:
Sharing this would also be greatly appreciated.

That settles it for this devlog. Again, sorry for having left you guys in the dark for so long. This game isn’t dead and is day after day being worked on. We try our best to bring you the best fangame that we can deliver.

Have a nice day! xxx



Next up

UNDEREVENT 2023 (December 23rd @ 3:30 PM EST)

Progress Report - July 2023

Progress Report - May 2023

TS!UNDERSWAP Demo v2.0.0 Released

Progress Report - June 2023

Progress Report - October 2023

TS!UNDERSWAP Demo v2.0: Starlight Isles Coming January 20 @ 3:30 PM EST

Dev Update - April 2024

Progress Report - August 2023

Dev Update - December 2023