Demon!Haiden: Keep still Lucas, you’re filthy.
Lucas: *screams like a dramatic husky*
Ashley: *has already had her “bath” and is sitting in the nest with a perturbed expression and looking very soggy*
Demon!Lake: *looks amused at the entire thing*
Demon!Haiden is a little… feral… it doesn’t help that he was not technically human to begin with, even before he became a demon.
As such he often indulges in behaviour that is more animalistic than a normal human; like a bird he broods and makes nests, like a bear he viciously defends his family and territory, like a human he is intelligent and can think beyond instinct, like a cat he has moments of assholeness and expresses affection by attempting to clean his children. Demon!Lake will do the same once he gets used to Ashley and Lucas and eventually starts seeing them as his children (Ashley because of leftover feelings from Harlan and Lucas because he’s Haiden’s adopted son which makes Lucas his son too).
Lucas does not want and spend most of the time trying to get away from being cleaned but Demon!Haiden just pins him down like a kitten trying to escape bath time.
Ashley just takes it because she knows that both Demon!Lake and Demon!Haiden won’t take no for an answer, she’s not thrilled about it though.
Both of them end up very soggy.
Luckily there’s a proper bath installed in the domain (an abandoned warehouse on the edge of Montreal converted into a home due to the two demons powers and some people who actually know what they’re doing) sometime after Lucas and Ashley are taken. The two demons discover in quick succession that they’re waterproof now, the joys of hot water and the relaxing power of scented bath soaks.
The domain smells of either lavender or sea salt from then on.
Demon!Lake design by @1ts_y0ur_b0y_L4k3_
Demon!Haiden design, Lucas (OC) and Au by Me
Together Again by @SirMemphisto_Heisenmorg
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