Timeless Adventure: A Journey to Begin

3 years ago

Dev Update #5

The focus was on optimization, a new area, the water shader, and some minor (but nonetheless important) improvements.

For Dev Update #5 the focus was on optimization, a new area, the water shader, and some minor (but nonetheless important) improvements.


So there was quite some stuff going on under the hood this time around. Even though the game should not be too taxing anyway, now stuff only gets drawn, whenever it can be visible to the player. Everything else will not be drawn, which results in a much better performance.
Also, there were lots and lots of code optimization, which should help going forward.


This area will be another one you will visit in your adventures. The quiet farmlands are located right outside of the city and due to the very good soil, a lot of the food for the city is produced here. The land itself of course is owned by the Kind Family. Only selected families are allowed to rent the land, and the farmers are hardly more than the necessary workforce, needed to harvest the crop. Still, one can be far worse off, so most of them are actually quite happy.


Water Shader

Unlike the sea-water shader (which still needs some tweaking), I am really happy with how this water shader turned out.

Minor improvements

Some of the minor improvements are improved camera panning and overall camera smoothness. Also, light dimming between areas was improved:

Release Date

Unfortunately, the release date will be moved back to 2021. There is still too much work to do.

All right, hope to see you next time.
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Next up

Dev Update #4

I wanted to talk a little about the input methods I implemented, how interactions work in the game, and introduce one more area to you

Dev Update #2

The focus of the last few weeks was on creating more puzzles.

Dev Update #3

My focus was still on implementing and coming up with more Puzzles.

Dev Update #1

Hey, I wanted to start posting more regular updates about the state of the game. So here is the first one.

Dev Update #6

Welcome to Dev Update #6. Not too long ago, I released a demo. I worked in some feedback and also started to rework the areas

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