Zenand Garden: Factory Fresh
2 years ago

Development Update

I've decided to keep up my trend of daily devlogs, so here we are!

Zenand Development:

Development on the Zenand themselves is a bit slow. This is mainly due to the fact I don't fully understand Godot's built in path finding just yet.

I want the Zenand to be a bit more complex then they were before, for example: Hazard Avoidance!
If there's 2 paths to their destination, one that requires going through a hazard they're not immune to, and one that doesn't but is longer, they'll prefer the longer one.

From what I can tell, unless I want to make the game grid based, there's no real way to do this. So my plan is, if I can't find a way to implement that by tonight, I'm going to save that idea for later, and just work on getting the Zenand working.

Anyways, lets move onto...

Zenand Planned Features:

This is a list of features I plan for the Zenand to have.

  • Saving Buddies

    • If a Zenand sees another dying in a hazard that it (the first Zenand) is immune too, it'll attempt to save them.

  • Multi-Zenand Carrying

    • Multiple Zenand can carry an object. Up to double the amount of Zenand the object requires to carry, can help carry an object.
      A minimum carrying capacity, the Zenand carry the object at half their speed. At full carrying capacity, the Zenand carry the object at their full speed

  • Recycling

    • Zenand are robots, so it only makes sense that, if they die, they can be recycled.
      So when a Zenand dies, it'll leave behind a corpse, which can be brought back to base, where it'll then be thrown into the junk yard for later

  • Modified Zenand

    • A feature I've wanted ever since the original Zenand Garden was a Pikmin fan game, was the ability to make custom Zenand (or at the time, Pikmin).
      I can with absolute certainty, this feature WILL make it into the game!

      • Some more background on this is that, I actually discovered a way I could make it back when ZG was being made in GDevelop, however, GDevelop was lacking a single feature that made it impossible.
        That isn't an issue with Godot, since I can program in it, meaning it's 100% possible now.

  • Event Zenand

    • For special events, like a Holiday, I might release a special Zenand themed around that holiday.

      This feature goes alongside "Modified Zenand", since most of the code will be shared between the two features. The main difference will be how they're implemented for balancing reasons.

      • A few of the types I have planned revolve around the old Zenand Garden.

        • If you have the "Multiverse" or "Spectacular Trophy" achievements from it, you'll get special Zenand resembling the Pikmin sprites from the original version
          You'll also get a special Alpha Zenand, resembling the original Alpha Zenand given

        • If you have any of the "Pik-o-ween" achievements, you'll get special Zenand resembling the Pikmin Halloween sprites from the original

Those are all the Zenand related plans, I have far more plans in general for the game, one of which I perhaps hinted too ;)

Anyways, I'm not 100% certain about these plans, so I don't feel like announcing them just yet.

Now then, I'm gonna get to bed!
Peace out!



Next up

Skizzy S. Vamgon

An OC I've spent HOURS working on! Skizzy S. Vamgon! #ChrisisArtChallenge

Bandana Dee the Dream Friend

Been working lately on lots of 'behind-the-scenes' boring stuff that no one really cares about, so here’s a guy playing the sax for some reason.


Chiaki Nanami!

Enemies can also suddenly spawn through Realm Rifts. These Rift Spawns are going to be stronger than the ones wandering around. TBD on the enemies... #screenshotsaturday #godstear #madewithunity

Another house i made long time ago.

Regular exercise is key for healthy wings.

Try it out!

An infected room from the second part of Cybel ! Are you up for some cleansing?

not the greatest house, but it's a house! :D