Everlasting Nightmare Before Disney
3 months ago

Devlog 1

Been a while, wasn't it? Things for me have been going okay, exams and all of that. Pretty much nothing out of ordinary.

During these 6 months of development and planning, a lot of things happened towards. At first I was thinking of keeping the rooms kinda empty, similar to original Malrat's NBDs (and original NBD 2015 itself), but it didn't look good.

Here's a peek at new version of camera 9, you might remember it from NBD V1!


Every single camera had an adjustment or a remodel to make sure we all were satisfied with how the game looks. I have good faith that the main nights will be done quite soon-ish!

Alongside cameras, characters also got retextured (again)


Minnie actually got a big change to make her look alike to original 2015 (and Below Disney) NBD Minnie. I feel its a superior design than what was in Malrat's NBD and allows me to be more creative with her mechanic, which is above all in my opinion.


That's all I have to share for now. A lot of cool things are still in the process, so I'll show them when they're ready or when I feel the time is right for that.

I will also make occasional short updates to show the game's progress and anything random that I feel like posting. Not every day, but once in a while

See ya!




Next up



game jolt fnati new video :)




Da shader from casa

concept art is fun