Cutre Casa

1 month ago

Devlog#4 + Clarifications for the game

Hello everyone, it's been a while since the last time I made a devlog showing the great advances that the game had (which in the end were outdated) and I know that I show screenshots and progress of the game constantly, but trust me when I tell you that what I have shown these days is nothing compared to other things in the game that I keep secret.

So, what new things and gameplay trailers can I properly show?

Update and new props

As I showed in a previous post, these days I was making new assets that were much more detailed and based on those seen at Jollibee's, I must also say that the assets that I am replacing originally belonged to my other fangame Night_Valley and I think it was time to change those accessories


The office and other places on the game map were updated again

Map update

The game's main map locations have been improved graphically, although I haven't finished making the changes to all the locations yet (cough, tunnels rooms, cough cough ), anyway this is being a quick process and not it will take me a long time


I have also been creating new locations to make the game more interesting, although at the moment I cannot say where or when we will see these places in the game


I can show you that for now and I can't wait for you to see the full game

Clarifications and changes in the game

At the end of 2023 and during 2024 I made a few adjustments to the game in terms of concepts, so I will answer some questions regarding those changes and questions in general about the game

1: Is the game still a parody?

No, while I was developing the game and perfecting it I realized that I no longer like this game as a parody, so I'm just going to leave it as a weird game and that's it (I'm not saying that the game will have a deep story or anything like that either)

2: What kind of story will the game have from now on?

The game will have a simple, closed and, above all, self-contained story that will try to resolve or find logic in some of the events that were seen in the classic Snaz games and that did not have a satisfactory ending

3: How do you justify certain characters that appear in the game as part of the main cast?

Here I must be very honest with all of you and that is that all the characters, specifically those seen in the Demo (with the exception of Zemelli) are inspired by sketches and drawings that I made out of boredom during 2021/2022, the concept of Cutre Casa in at that time it already existed with those characters and had no relationship with Snaz until the end of 2022, where I decided to make this game a sequel to Snaz Apw maintaining the character list of the original idea, and in part I kind of regret such a decision, mainly because I didn't know what I was thinking when I put those characters that had nothing to do with each other in the game, anyway they are already in the game and won't be removed

4: Are Snaz Apw Rebooted and Joy and Dread canon for Cutre Casa?


5: Are the events of Fnati and Oblitus Casa canon?

I'll leave that to your imagination

6: Will Cutre Casa have a sequel in the future?

I don't plan to extend the story of this game since it tries to close another story (Although it is not official)

That would be all, thanks for reading, see you next time

ATT: Ace



Next up

Avoid blocked places if you want


Behind you



Rat Race Production Update


Happy new year (Read)

I know this image smells like Jolly 4