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My last few months of work...
Devlog 7/14 #advjam2020
- Game flow logic is finished, and tested - you can debug run through the whole game :D
- Begun work on the Medical location using Synty Sci-Fi assets
- It's starting to look like a game!
Well hello!
This is the first devlog for Demon Detective, and I'll be doing a (usually) weekly article to let you know about my progress.
But for now "Hi!" and I'll see you around :)
Devlog 4/14
Hang on - isn't this the same picture as yesterday? Oh no it isn't! This one shows I have got task statuses working, they can be ticked, and I can reset them as needed.
Painstakingly dull work, but necessary.
Devlog 14/14 #advjam2020
Well that was an intense couple of weeks. I had to cut so much from my full design of the game to make the deadline, but I think it still makes narrative sense, if a bit clunky at the end.
Hope you all enjoy it!
Just started on some quick lighting tests - first image is unlit for reference
Just roughly blocking out the start area of the game as a test piece for both the level design and game design parts of the process.
This is the first room, with three ways forward. Now, why would that be... hmm :)
Devlog 8/14 #advjam2020 busy day!
- Created 3 locations from scratch, and finished one I started yesterday
- Made two new door types I realised I needed as I built the new levels
They all need proper lighting of course, but at least the layout is done.