Master of War: Rule of Power

2 years ago


In short:

- adding work options (last game mechanics before the demo);

- recolouring completed!

- adding terrain objects.

#solodev #strategygame #retrogaming #pixelart

|OD| Master of War: RoP: Indie game devlog #16
Wishlist now and support a solo developer in his journey.= Game sites =



Next up

The new version of the game is available (AI defence update - it's building now towers and walls), also hers is some concept of incoming sorcerers and spell icons.

In short:

- code for shooting and casting spells rewrite;

- orcs added, opponent type: brutes;

- new model of protagonist

- opponent control

The demo is available and you can play 1st level now, soon I am going to update so 2nd level will be too!

I making Stream as a part of Steam Next! You can take a look, chat and have fun!

Because of the incoming Steam Festival of Strategy games, I decided to make this project a major and also because working on AI player takes too much time.

Also, the logo and graphics of the game page may be changed.

Sorry for little late, here is another small update V 1.02.

I need to prepare another project for the Halloween update so maybe after that will be large updates for MoW.

In this update, I add one fabular map and I plan to experiment more in this style.

Demo V 0.2.0 is available!

Sorry for a long time of silence.

Now I will try to make a regular update.

The new version of the demo 0.3.0 is available, added AI for animals and for now there are only gorillas.

Now I'm going to add a random modifier, which means weather!

1.0.0 IS HERE!

​The new version of the demo is also available! And the list of the changelog is in game folder.

Now for the nearest month, I will try to update this every Thursday adding some new stuff that was mentioned some time ago and improving AI.

Still working on better AI, but in the background, I have improved one biome in the game and am almost done with the new logo and capsule art for the game page.

Also, some people are interested in the city-builder module tot he game.