Star Story
7 years ago

Discord Channel

The Discord Channel (which was previously used for beta testers only) has now been made public for everybody to visit click here, if you want to chat with me or with other players about the game.

For those who are now playing The Fairy Tale REVAMPED, yeah, the closed beta channel for that game will very likely open soon too.

If you have any trouble with this channel, lemme know, so I can see if I can fix it for ya ;)



Next up

Update for Star Story and a little announcement for Star Story II.

A #phrase of #wisdom from the French scientist and philosopher #BlaisePascal Two stories, the one tied to this game (new version), and a prequel novel based on this game have this quote. Perhaps you understand why....

Killing only brings you so far!

BallPlay future

Open alpha available on


Disney Princesses go to Hogwarts

Just a random screenshot of the upcoming remake! I hope you like it #starstory #remake #rpg #freegame

Beta has been released