Creatures of Nowhere
7 years ago

Don't worry, the game's not dead :()

My pals and I are usually just busy with other things, preventing us from workin on the game more often.

We still get things done every now and then.
Things such as the likes of:

  • the game’s UI

  • story stuff

  • like 90% of night 2

  • extras menu cause that’s an easy one

  • dweebnut’s working on some night 1 stuff right now

  • cereal box

After we get maybe 60% of the game done, we’ll make a cool lil gameplay trailer for ya.



Next up

A Creature Reborn

Progress! :D

Here's some concept sketches to show that I haven't completely forgotten about Creatures of Nowhere! (sorry for the sideways pics) it's still a long ways away, but this game is still one of my main priorities alongside Purple Cube's and Gutseeker :D

Howdy! I'm still alive! and so is this game!

Father's home.

Shoobies leave a sticky trail of mucus in their wake, which can impede movement for any creature that steps in it.

Enemies can also suddenly spawn through Realm Rifts. These Rift Spawns are going to be stronger than the ones wandering around. TBD on the enemies... #screenshotsaturday #godstear #madewithunity

Heya! I wanted to show some gameplay progress i made so far. I hope you like it ^^



Ibuki Mioda!

Demonstration of the spells and their effects :)!