12 days ago

"Dont belive in the dealer boy"

Dealer boy

Dealer boy its like bill chiper but in the mr nes universe

Dealer boy is mr nes best friend

Dealer boy loves to annoy elina

Elina wonza

Elina wonza is a detective

Elina is like a roommate to dealer boy

Fun facts

  1. Dealer boy is inspired by GB

  2. Dealer boy is good at karaoke

  3. Elina wanted to kill dealer boy but she failed

  4. Dealer boy favorite game is mario land 2



Next up

Yall just a question what is the fundamental paper education plallte color

[Image unrelated]

Keith meets larx

Fr fr

so darn cute 😭🥺 edit: i'm having lasagna for dinner by coincidence, lol

"You can rather be the hero or the villian"

The first titan oc i made

New oc

fanart for @VaporWaveThe_Synth I made a while back

This fucking iditos had been in my mind this whole week since i emter in the fpe fandom