Hello, hello, hello my precious dustshifters, it is I, StressTown!
The guy that writes stuff and happens to own Dustshift.
I just wanted to let the people that actually care about this proeject to know what we've been up to!
Side note : There'll be some goodies through the log!
The story has been coming along pretty well! I've been trying my best into putting as much passion into the writing so far, so I'm gonna share the general baseline for the game ;
LAYOUT ; Ruins, Snowdin, Waterfall, Hotland, New HOME.
Ruins will be fully playable next demo, and the game will kick into full development mode once it's out.
2 Chara fights will be playable in ruins, along with a post-demo bonus fight!
Delrious Morales - Fight One (CHARA VS Frisk)
(Yes, Morals is spelt wrong on purpose.)
Double Vision - Fight Two (CHARA+PAPYRUS VS Frisk)
(Optional) Stronger Enemy - (Chara VS Final Froggit)
The rest of the story and Characters have been fleshed out too! But no spoilers yet, heh...
The game is being coded at a nice pace, we're getting our assets for the ruins demo done at around the same pace too.
We're reworking Chara's sprite for ruins overall, along with working on Papyrus' sprites for ruins too.
The game is planned to have ONE route however, sucks to not be faithful to base UNDERTALE, huh? (Womp.)
OST wise, we are halfway through WATERFALL at the moment! We are also working on thumbnails for the songs and such as well, allow me to show you some of the goodies made by our wonderous team! (Provided by Lynn_VDG, and solartaco!)

(The bottom image is Waterfall Chara's design.)
Yeah its...
Just those two.
(That I can show...Heh.)
Aside from all of that random hoohaa, heh.
There's some other things the team would like to share!
Leothecoolguy - " I hate dusttale"
Lynn - "Ignore that hater...I like dusttale..."
Hopes - "I forgot"
Sherri - "me when the dust is shifting idk stress has me captive in his basement help"
Will DS share anything from DR ? ;
What is the exact fight order that each human gets? ;
Is it true asriel likes..
Lynn, why did you ask this...?
Dustbelief Forgettable, by @ExistsTheMovie and @HKTuber
, a project that helped me find my footing, and helped inspire a shitton of stuff I do today! So, thank you for helping me out, fellas.
its cool
i write for it
its awesome
thanks for the support dude
means the world to me
@cassdudette , one of my closest friends, and best buddy.
Helped me out alot with this project, and I overall owe a lot to her.
Well, uh...
We don't have much else we can ACTUALLY show, due to privacy reasons and us...heh...staying on the down low...
We do share some stuff on our discord!
Thanks for reading!
And I wanted to dedicate a small part of this to
myself, which hopefully isn't greedy....
I want to thank everyone that helped me with this project, and still are, because I couldn't have gotten anywhere with it on my own.
To my friends and teammates, to everyone that cared, just thank you.
And thank YOU for liking this project so far!
Stay dusty, shifters!
And have a good night!
(Here's our uh..discord too: https://discord.gg/RJWAd9Jj)