2 years ago

[dusttale last genocide] phase 3 hard mode

i'm so hyped this games release ngl lol

undertale by toby fox

dusttale by ask dusttale

last breath by zerjox

DTLG by Experiment121

sprite by me
ask before use

#undertale #dusttale #dusttalelastgenocide #DTLG #sprite #undertalesprite #sprite #pixel_art



Next up

hey babe, are you a toaster? Cuz I’d love to take a bath with you.

i'm suing you. i am suing you.

leaving the undertale community ig


happy Valentine's Gay- I MEAN DAY (i get no bitchs)

[undertale] the undermen

some hide and seek concepts

i was a REALLY stupid and cringe person back then i would gladly beat the shit out of my younger self lmao

when i say you guys aren't ready i fucking mean it, you aren't ready for what im gonna cook

gif unrelated btw