
2 years ago

Edgemancer b0.6.0 - Two new OSTs, some new visual and audio effects and new main menu screen

Inbetween the last major content drop and b0.7.0 which will be a little bigger than this update, I wanted to release a minor update that addresses some things I don't like about the game in its current state.

  • New main menu screen


While I didn't really hate the menu screen the game had before, it felt a bit clunky to me personally and I wanted to make it feel a little more official and less like a beta version - replacing the ugly big buttons with a nicer UI.

  • Two new music tracks

    They should be in the music section up in the game description, titled Unbroken Monotony and Broken Steel.

  • Some new visual effects


Highlighted cursor


Whenever your projectiles hit a surface that isn't an enemy, they create a little red light instead of the usual smoke. This is mainly for visual clarity and so that you know when you're hitting enemies or not.

  • Audio changes

    New sounds for: picking up healing items, picking up powerups and projectiles hitting walls.

That's it for this small update, but be on the lookout for the next major update: b0.7.0.



Next up

Progress Log 2

Edgemancer v1.1.0 - Finishing touches!!

Galaxy Brawl a2.2.2 - This is a Patch, Two!

Edgemancer b0.8.0 - Player levels, skins and more!

Edgemancer b0.4.0 - QOL, Technical stuff and some new items

Edgemancer v1.0.0 - We're out of beta.

Update 02 - Monsoon

Edgemancer b0.7.0 - Three new enemies, improved progression and more!

Edgemancer b0.5.0 - Two new weapons, brand new boss, 10 new upgrades and tons of improvements

Galaxy Brawl a2.2.0 - The Elite Threat Update