OWL-GAME (Not serious project)
2 years ago

Ehh a lot of bugs, no way to exit the game without using process manager or alt + f4.



Next up

Так атмосферно.. кстати эти зеленые светлячки исчезают если ты будешь слишком близко <3

Introducing the Plague!

Hey guys! Hey, guys! Long time no see. I was doing an update for HOG. It will come out on his 23rd of august. View the Article if you want to find out the changelog.

Title screen of my game XD.

Hello! The generation system has been completely redesigned, which I am incredibly happy about, details in the article!

Чисто я когда у меня есть 40 минут на одну локацию :) >> Translated << Just me when I have 40 mins for one location :)

Trailer of my game! Do you like it?

Controls of the game

Introducing the UNITS!

So calm..

Так спокойно..