HOG update 0.0.2 log.
1. New things added.
- New ESC menu.
- Meteorites. 2 types of asteroids that can spawn anytime. When asteroid fall, you will get a warning sign. 1st type of asteroid will fall and destroy the landscape. 2nd type of asteroid will fall, destroy the landscape and aslo, it contains 5 plague units, that will attack your camp.
- New material “Bronze” (Copper). You can start mining it, if 3 units will enter the mine. You can use it to make anvils, stockades and walls.
- New structures. The abandoned mines – to use it, player need 3 units inside. When 3rd unit will enter the abandoned mine, it will become just mine. Then, every minute it will produce copper, and then smelt it, to make bronze. The Anvil – you can make it in the building menu (B), it will give you access to the stockade and wall buildings. Wall – it’s a wall, that will slow down any of plague units, but it can be broken if the amount of plague units that collide with wall will be big. To unlock, you need to craft an anvil.
- The Dialogue System. New dialogue system will help player to understand the plot of the game and the mechanics. Now its used in the tutorial and the dialogue with devil.
- The devil.
- Rivers.
- SOUL TSUNAMI. To use it, You can press shift and if you have 50 SOUL POINTS, you can release shift and your ghost will release the power of soul, and:
Destroy any build, reset the profession of your units and create statues of the resetted profession.
2. Changed things.
- New sprites for the most of objects in the game.
- Changed the main menu.
- Changed the world generation algorhythms, and optimized it.
3. Bugfixes.
HOGBF-0001A – The menu duplication bug.
HOGBF-0002A – Rocks not spawning bug.
HOGBF-0003B – Structures duplication and collision.
HOGBF-0004A – The zoom was changing not smoothly.