Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Disventures in Hechology Technolegy in Rise of the HHS Parody Characters of Napature & Aperture Science

3 months ago

Ender Dragon Kritters #2 (Mizza Zeeaction Sunlight Ender Dragon (MZSED) The Sunlight Dragon) - Created on: July 26th, 2024 Well afternoon there folks!!!! Today's now July 26th, 2024, and we have something very special to look at for today!!!!!


We had finally created the OFFICIAL and #2ndEnderDragonKritterPoster for the #2ndEDKmember known as "Mizza Zeeaction Sunlight Ender Dragon (MZSED)", the Sunlight Dragon!!!! Or should I say, the Sunlight ENDER Dragon!!! That makes a lot more sense!!!! Anyways, I am terribly and positively sorry if this one was a few weeks late in development!!! And I guess you all know why that is right????

And not only that, I'd also had to create like 2 or 3 copies of MZSED's official Ender Dragon Kritter poster because there were a few word error thingies and whatnot!!!! Thankfully though, it wasn't much of a difficult thing to fix!!! So yeah, that was something else and not all that horrifically bad and everything!!!! Just a simple thing to fix!!!! Speaking of which, as you may have also seen on here (or for a quick bonus point thingy for that matter), I'd also added back or added in ZLED's official Ender Dragon Kritter Poster as well too!!!! Because well.....You're about to find out now!!! See you all right after these things are created!!!!



Ender Dragon Kritter Archived Message #1 - (The Lightning Ender Dragon of Life & Despair)

(Recorded Message Created on: July 26th, 2024)

(Message Recorded Originally on: May 17th, 2024)

This is the #FIRST entry or recording message of the Ender Dragon Kritter Archives, where all official information of each member of the Ender Dragon Kritters Series are recorded in!!!!

Ender Dragon Kritter #19, The Lightning Ender Dragon, known as "ZLED" was the very first and also first calmed Ender Dragon that was captured by me while I was patrolling earlier at the very front of gates of "The Parody Stadium Kingdom" from the entrance. As I can already tell from his official looks, this beast is nowhere or anywhere from here!!! And I mean that, this thing was NOT officially around in these parts!!! Especially from Minecraftia!!!! Or even anywhere else in the Minecraft World for that matter!!!!


(The Official Link to Where ZLED's Official Ender Dragon Kritter was first officially been Created:

(The Official Link to Where ZLED was first introduced to the Official Public Eyes (Alongside with the Official #10thPMC of Haxx Hustun Studios "Fwrog Sttroke"):

According to ZLED's originally documents and folders/files from the official Haxx Hustun Studios HQ, he is one of the official and real-life brothers of FED the Fire Ender Dragon and the youngest cousin among all of the other Ender Dragons of the Ender Dragon Family of Minecraft from Jax Justun Studios!!!!! I'm afraid that ZLED and FED were not only just cousins, but also best friends as well originally!!!!

Yet another or a bit more info about this lightning beast here's that, not only that ZLED has bad conditions of some Social Anxiety Problems, Mental Health Issues, and Complex PTSD or better known as "Emotional Flashback", but he also has something called "Schizophrenia" as well!!!! But in the History-ness of them JJS/HHS Books, they had called it as "Talking Nonsense of Random Facts Disorder"!!!! Also known as "TNoRFD" (Tin-NO-RRRR-FAW-Du)!!! Better known as "Talknonranfactsphobia" (Talk-NONE-Ran-Facts-PHOBIA) as well too!!!!!

I have no idea what that means, but I guessed-ed that it is like literally like referring to saying things in quotes about saying some harsh, opposite, and/or bad things about anything or ANYWHERE in life!!! For example, this Lightning Ender Dragon said in quote earlier today that, "This might be some strange castle of some sort!!! I bet that's where all of this crap was coming from"!!! I have no idea what that entire phrase even means by that, but, I can say's that this Ender Dragon was actually and originally been a life-less soul from an actual human or 16 year old boy known as "Zledd (no middle and/or last name given)"!!!

It appears that ZLED is nothing but some trouble maker!!! Maybe that's why he was trying to be calmed in front of me in the first place!!! If I was yourself or just me for that matter, I mustn't go closer to that Lighting Ender Dragon here!!! He could be very dangerous!!!! For now, this creature's nothing but some life of some despair!!! Keep your cautions like far from him or it as possible!!! We don't want anything bad to spread all over this parody-like kingdom of mines!!! More Future Updates Sooner then Later!!!!

-End of Recorded Message

Sincerely, "Santra K. Riller", The Sheriff King of The Parody Stadium Kingdom of Haxx Hustun Studios & Napature Science



Ender Dragon Kritter Archived Message #2 - (Sunlight-headed of an Ender Dragon Action)

(Recorded Message Created on: July 26th, 2024)

(Message Recorded Originally on: May 21st, 2024)

This is the second entry from the Ender Dragon Kritter Archives, where all official information of each member of the Ender Dragon Kritters Series are recorded in!!!!

Ender Dragon Kritter #20, known as by many kinds or types of names like only both of "Mizza Zeeaction" or "MZSED", the Sunlight Ender Dragon, was the second and yet another calmed Ender Dragon that was captured from three to TEN of my guards while they were using the bathroom after an intense hotdog eating contest challenge!!!! Long story short!!! As of recording this message here, this sunlight-headed ender dragon here was captured by my fellow soldiers nearly like 2 or 3 hours ago in the middle of Food Court section of the "Parody Stadium Parody Mall", just nearly 15 minutes after he was first founded by some citizens at the front of the men's and girl's bathroom halls of the mall itself!!!!


(The Official Link to MZSED's Official Ender Dragon Kritter Poster (Which is technically part on this post as well):

(The Official Link to Where MZSED was first introduced towards us (Alongside with four or five other official #PCCMs of Haxx Hustun Studios):

It took me and some of my fellow soldiers forever to put this guy to sleep!!!! But after dozens of attempts, the song made by this official FNAF-like YouTuber/Musician was the only way to calm down this species of ender dragons!!!! It looks like this Sunlight Ender Dragon here's not from around here or anywhere else for that matter!!! Sadly, there's actual information and stuff if MZSED's actually and ACTUAL human or not!!!!

However though, there's official information's that he is of course a professional and amazing rock and roll star!!! But Mizza Zeeaction was also known as one of the most controversial Ender Dragons of all time!!! He was also the most hatred loving-ness of all time!!??!??!!! Who even says that, huh??? Well, besides also having to have the most recalls ever!!!! (Which technically though, there was only like an official total of like 1000 recalls, but of course, it could've been more worst then that!!!!)

It's also to been said that not that MZSED is also known as like the #20thOldestBrother of Lord Water Dragon (LWD) the Water Ender Dragon, but he also had some dark past-ness as well too!!!!!! Unlike FED the Fire Ender Dragon, Mizza Zeeaction here has like the very most anger issues ever since he was born as a small sunlight dragon cub!!!!! He threw lots of dishes, destroys his very own and personal room, and also keeps on attacking on his own classmates back then!!! His Ender Dragon Families and Friends included!!!! Not only that, Mizza Zeeaction had also been suffering with some conditions as well!!!! He gets really massive Headaches, having lots of pain in his chest (or just having Chest Pains), he gets many kinds of Heart Diseases, having Stomach Problems at random times, and of course, even some Insomnia-like Issues involving from playing music all century and not sleeping so well!!!

OH!!! It'd also mentioned-ed that Mizza Zeeaction also had massive amount of Sexual and Menstrual Problems as well too!!!!! With TWO disorders as well included!!! Like Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) and Intermittent explosive disorder!!!! Yeah!!! They don't call him as a Sunlight Ender Dragon for nothing!!!!! Guess that all explains why that song had to let himself calmed all down in the first place then.....

.......Even though all of this had to let him be inside of his very own cage, me and my friends had also put in some wired-up fences to let him not destroy anything all over his cage!!! We'd also added in some warm blankets, the song of course, and plenty of lamps and flashlights all over his cage because we wanted to make sure that Mizza Zeeaction can be occupied and very sleepy!!!!! Even he was known as the official #20thParodyCameoMascotCharacter of Haxx Hustun Studios, this species of Ender Dragon is completely dangerous towards humans, parodies, or any kind or type of species of other Ender Dragons!!!!

This sunlighted freak's nothing but absolute trouble and a pain to deal with!!!! I'm afraid that his bright light powers are also dangerous!!! Thankfully, it wasn't nearly involved with his capturing, but still, this guy's completely aggressive and not someone to be having friends around with!!!! I best not to talk or speak with him as well like ZLED!!! For now, never have sun and light towards dragons!!!! Kingdom's Orders!!! More Future Updates Sooner and Later!!!!!

-End of Recorded Message

Sincerely, "Santra K. Riller", The Sheriff King of The Parody Stadium Kingdom of Haxx Hustun Studios & Napature Science


So yeah guys, as you may had seen it by now, I'd created some special lore and recorded-like messages based on each member of the Ender Dragon Kritters Family!!!!! And yes, this is all part of the official "Haxx Hustun Studios Chronicles Series", and of course, this will all be the same for every other member of the Ender Dragon Kritters line created from the official people from both Napature Science and Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!!

However though, as of typing and creating all of this stuff here, both of the recorded and typed out messages aren't all finished yet!!! They'll be ready in about a few more hours!!! Just positively wait all paitently and see you all in the next future updates!!! See you all next time!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #EnderDragonKrittersNumbers1Un2!!!! #WelcomeToHaxxHustunStudios!!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!! #NapatureLovesYouAll!!!!!



Next up

2024 DDS Parody Cameo Characters #23 & #24 - Baba Chops & Icky Licky - Both From Poppy Playtime Well guys, Draxx Dustun Studios has finally given us their official #23rdAnd24thPCCs from Series Four of 2024!!!!! I think that's correct and right here!!!!!!!

Haxx Hustun Studios/Fan-Made Steam Game Header #8 - (Created on: Sept. 8th, 2024) We're all closing here at the very end of the first week of Sept. of 2024 you guys!!!!! For me though, it kind of went off into a rocky start and everything!!!!!

Nightmare Critter Parody Poster #2 (For Icky Licky) - (Created on: October 12th, 2024) A dozen days here in #OctOf2024 had now past!!!! I know there wasn't future updates yesterday/last night because of this!!!!

Rando Art Challenge! Transform this into a masterpiece of the Renaissance era. Use the tag #renaissance to show off your creation! (Tag an artist in the comments to let them know)

HHS Parody Character Cartoon Poster #25 - (Created on: September 26th, 2024) My deepest apologies for them long parody delays, but now, here on September 26th, 2024, it's finally been created!!!!!

Welp, I'm no #renaissance master. If this were a commission from Mojang or something, I could spend the extra time fixing/cleaning up, but I hope y'all get a chuckle out of it.

I call it: Renaissance Minecraft With Obligatory Drapery

: Clip Studio Paint

2024 DDS Parody Character #9 - Jhob Stopper "Version #2" (Created on: Oct. 16th, 2024) Draxx Dustun Studios had realized that it's now been #16Days until October of 2024's finally over!!!! Time's now faster these days now huh?!?!?!!!

2024 DDS Parody Cameo Characters #27, #29, & #30 - Simon Smoke, Touille, & Maggie Mako - All From Poppy Playtime WOW!!! Three more Nightmare Critters are here at last people!!!!!

Teaser for NIGHT 2. Thanks for 300 page followers Game by @BubyGamer11 & @Jacorn

Haxx Hustun Studios/Fan-Made Steam Game Header #9 - (Created on: Sept. 12th, 2024) AWWwww!!!! YES!!!!! Nothing like a fresh new day to make our bodies here healthy folks!!!! It appears that the afternoons are our days that our levels are strong here!!!!!!