
Ender Dragon Kritters #3 (Harmawn Arshgga Marroun Zombie Ender Dragon (HAMZED) The Zombie Dragon) - Created on: Aug. 25th, 2024 Well my fellow & beloved fans, today's Aug. 25th, 2024!!! Sorry for the late post, but here we are now!!!!

Ender Dragon Kritters #2 (Mizza Zeeaction Sunlight Ender Dragon (MZSED) The Sunlight Dragon) - Created on: July 26th, 2024 Well afternoon there folks!!!! Today's now July 26th, 2024, and we have something very special to look at for today!!!!!

Good afternoon everybody!!!! Anther day, and another....I mean, and more important announcements to create and make!!!! Hope you guys are doing well so far!!!!!