10 months ago

Esp: dibujo del creepypasta de trevor henderson Cartoon Cat

Eng: drawing of trevor henderson's creepypasta Cartoon Cat

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Next up

ESP: probando a animar con sprites para una colab

ENG: trying to animate with sprites for a collaboration

ESP: ya llevo un año aquí, no esperaba durar tanto

ENG: I've been here for a year now, I didn't expect to last that long

Little alien I saw in a dream.

headshot anim-ation attack 4 @Lawlzerz_ NOOB

plus very rough animation concept too cuz why not

ESP: nuevo banner

ESP: new banner

ESP: Personajes de @Lilsoniccool87 ser como:

ENG: Characters by @Lilsoniccool87 be like:

Greetings Gamejolt!

Apologies for being offline; I've actually been busy working on a short adventure story! Here's an adorable character concept a dear friend of mine created!

ESP: pequeñiiiisimo rediseño

ENG: tiiiiiiiny redesign