Esp: últimamente me da weba intentar dibujar manos, no me jusguen >:3
Eng: Lately I've been too lazy to try to draw hands, don't judge me >:3
Esp: últimamente me da weba intentar dibujar manos, no me jusguen >:3
Eng: Lately I've been too lazy to try to draw hands, don't judge me >:3
ESP: Lleva gritando todo el día.
ENG: He's been screaming all day
ESP: Un par de garabatos random hechos en clase, tampoco es que sepa que más postear la verdad :v
ENG: A couple of random doodles made in class, I don't really know what else to post :v
ESP: pondría algún título super epico a esta mierda pero me da pereza
ENG: I would put some super epic title on this shit but I don't want
Yes I’m working on a thousand drawings at the same time :’) Anyway enjoy this new sketch ahah
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