Joy and me chapter 1

3 years ago

everything has changed, see it with your own eyes, you are not in a simulation, you are in real life

soon 2022

1 comment


Next up

new big update!!

Joy and me VR / NO VR Update 1.2.0 coming soon adding:

-non vr mode

-fixes and optimization

-translation into Spanish

-community section

The community section are ideas from the comments community that will be implemented in the free version of the game


Wistarck Studios es una realidad Ahora somos una empresa

Rat Race Production Update

my horror game based on real facts is available

paso por aqui el otro logo por si los del gameverse quieren ver ya que estan tan aburridos algunos jajajaja al parecer no quieren dejarnos en paz y solo saben opinar en grupito como viciados