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Made a little Demo, if people like it I'll flesh it out more but hope you enjoy


starting work on the gun designs

gonna get this and animations done before I start work on the code for the gun controller

so yeah Toilet paper shotgun

I have the design for the main menu done, still need to do most of the code but this is a start

Highrise Game Jam Reminder: In order to enter to win the Jam, your game must be created in Unity and submitted using the Highrise Studio Hub.

Learn all the deets about the jam at https://gamejolt.com/c/gamedev/highrisejam

Might not be flashy or 100% finished but options are very important for games so yeah, one step closer to releasing a demo.

🥳 The Highrise Game Jam is Underway! 🥳

Watch the video for tips on getting started building your first world in Highrise Studio. (Creating and submitting within Highrise Studio Hub is the only way to enter the jam!)

Learn more: https://gamejolt.com/c/gamedev/highrisejam

okay small new game is up https://i-will-probably-die.itch.io/just-like-run-fast you can play it here.

gonna take some time off so I can learn Godot so don't expect much in content for a little while.

Started work on my first commercial game, and saying that my dumb shape dating game is a 500 view I decided to make it into a full release so yeah, got everything I want in the dialogue system done so here's the first view of the game

🥳The Highrise Game Jam has begun! 🥳

The Highrise Game Jam is where creators come together to craft immersive 3D worlds using Highrise Studio! There are cash prizes! 💸💸💸

Learn the deets here: https://gamejolt.com/c/gamedev/highrisejam

Merry Christmas (or whatever else you celebrate)

I couldn't get much done and well I've mostly been on break from game dev so hope everyone is doing well, and let's hope for a good new year.