1 month ago

everything unused in jolly 4 + more info on a "Private Test" Build

yes. even in the demo, there are unused things inside of it.

the video is unfinished because i lost motivation to do it, so i'd rather continue here.


NOTE ON THIS IMAGE: i forgot to cut out private stuff from the image

for this case, i used CTFAK to dump images in the rispective frames (including strings with the parameters sorteddumpstrings)

but in certain cases, i needed to decompile it.


in the video, i showed that if you play jolly 4 without internet connection, this happens. i found it out when my power in my house was out and i have a powerfull generator for my PC because at some point in my life, blackouts and malfunctions where often.


these strings i could only find inside the MFA. this implies that jolly 4 has a build verification and if you're playing an outdaded version of it, the game would say "Build verification failed. This private build is outdated."

and in the menu, it should say "OUTDATED VERSION! Please update to ensure no bugs occur on your playthrough."


I don't know what this is.


you know, even Decayed Jolly can kill you.

if he occupies a door but Jolly Goodtime is not active, he could attack you at 5AM because despite his mechanic is a reference to the first Jolly, if the power goes out, he could kill you. in this case, Decayed Jolly will prevent you from winning the night.


in addition to evreything (at the end of time) i could find, these are the images of the introduction.

night ? is custom night. this thing calling a customized night a night ?, comes from Five Nights at Wario's. usually they call it night 7 (if there's a night 6) or custom night.


this notes can be found in the load folder, and it shows the active animatronics in the night we're testing.

also, there's a frame called "rare" (presumably a rare screen) that in game does nothing. but i found a string that says this.


honestly, i don't know who's saying this.

tony? or eric? or jack? or theo? or kevin? or Tal? or... a character we didn't seen?

honestly i wish there's more unused stuff here. I'd swim through a lake full of water for the Unreal Engine of the game.

i have the kind of equipments to gather material in a UE game.

Umodel, FModel and universal unreal engine unlocker (if i need to move the cameras or travel trough UE maps.

but then, i was motivated to show to @BitterVHS this image


and i had no time to explain to him that this is the image of the building of the first trailer.

Note that the building is called "Warehouse"


this is the rest that i didn't managed to show it because it was 2:00AM in italy.


then these images are useless to show it so...





the office has little changes to the 2024 demo. the doors where different including the buttons.

if you look at the doors, you see that they are window-less. the windows where added in favor of Weshek’s original idea for Tal Goodtime’s headbanging mechanic. and we all agree that this is a good idea.


actually, you can spot these buttons in the menu video.

implying that they did the video during 2021 build and they didn't wana reshoot it.





i noticed that the elevator's floor sign was changed to a "classic" one to a digital one.


actually, you can spot the old sign in tal's jumpscare


there's even in the table jumpscare





speaking of cameras, in upper east hall and in office B





the photo of a man is different.





in conference room 2, you can see in the old version that in the poster there's fantasy tweetie instead of tweetie goodtime.

this implies not only that the this was made before tweetie goodtime's model wasn't finished yet but ivanG still has the models of jolly 1's animatronics.









ah yes. storage and server room

those doors wheren't in the 2021 build.





and there there's a lot of changes in floor one.

upper west hall has a different angle

back lobby hasn't an entrance and other details such as chairs and posters

visitors hall was previously called upper east hall (with cam 18 as lower east hall) and it didn't have a souvenir shop and maxie's cafetteria. and it has a different angle.

elevator's cam had the old floor sign.

with all that, it's implied that the main location was previously a warehouse instead of JOLLY Entertainment's all-inclusive HQ.





ok the vents where evident.


altrough floor 1 and floor 2's design where quite the same, the vent was different because of a different mechanic

instead of override them, the original intent was to seal the vent from preventing them to move towards us.

and sadly that's all the time we have for today.

that's a lie. this post could go on longer, but I wanted to stop here.

there's nothing interesting that i found, except some details in the 2021 Unreal Engine script.

While it seems to be a great basic setup, the old script went too far from the previous jolly games, as it goes out of place as the plotline goes on.

in the script, there's a part about the extras and there also part on unused stuff.

The First J4 Plot Concept: we all know that The first script was scrapped because it was so gruesome that Weshek got sick and felt that it would be considered "too disgusting" for the majority of fans to finish. The original J4 concept had a story that started off similar to the plot of this game. However, the character was working with another person in isolation, going from a beach house to a facility each night, trading shifts. However, on the third night, the entire facility would bum down unexpectedly. (wut?) You and your coworker would then spend your nights in the beach house, slowly going completely insane, seeing apparitions, waking up at night in the middle of the burnt down facility, etc. The game would have ended with you brutally murdering your coworker, then committing suicide.

yeah, i know what you're thinking. that's a terrible ending.

while it would have made a great psychological horror game, it was too dark and graphic in comparison to the other Jolly games. (even the 2021 script but that, strayed way to far from the other Jolly games)

The Second J4 Plot Concept: we know that The second script tried implementing the Pinagsama as a character, but it didn't work and made no sense, so Weshek scrapped it and started over. The second idea for J4 was actually to refurbish the original script of Jollibee: As Above, So Below. The script was huge and was extremely ambitious, taking a month and a half to create, and a year and a half to fully revise to completion. The new script would have featured 1950s-style human characters in place of the original Jollibee characters, and was the original plot idea for J4 after Jollibee's' cancellation, with Ivan initiating parts of development in November of 2020. However, in late March 2021, new team members. protested the reuse of the script, claiming its uniqueness wouldn't fit the rest of the Jolly series. Because of that, most of the script was completely disbanded and the game was rewritten by Weshek. Some parts of the script were implemented into the final game, however. but for Pinagsama, there was no proper way to implement the character.

I would have had a workaround.

imagine having 6 fantasy jolly.

one becames decayed jolly, one is spared in case Jolly entertainments wants to open a museum on jolly, 4 of them get dismantled and we resolved the "Abandoned Enigma" you'll have your Pinagsama in the end of jollibee.

a dog: The player was originally supposed to have a canine companion that would be seen each time at night, he was taken out of the game at the start of its first production.

Nicholas, your Coworker: In the original script, Nicholas was supposed to be your coworker who attended the facility during the dayshift. He would also provide expositional monologues and conversations to you between nights in early-morning cutscenes. In the revision, new team members requested that he be removed from the script, as his presence didn't match the vibe of the previous Jolly games. like if jack's Chief Investigator didn't match the vibe of jolly 4.

Jolly Goodtime’s Mandibles: Jolly Goodtime was concepted to have mandibles, however, that idea never came to fruition during modeling. (well, it wouldn't even making sense)

Jazz Soundtrack: The original Jollibee's/J4 script contained multiple jazz songs. (composed by Weshek) that would have been heard on a record player during cutscenes with your coworker and during the car-fixing level. The jazz soundtrack would have featured completely original lyrical and instrumental jazz songs.. some of which were callbacks to previous Jollibee soundtracks. However, since the cutscenes that featured the jazz soundtracks in the main game were removed from the revised script, the use of the jazz soundtracks during the car minigame were also removed, as they felt out of place.

Tal Goodtime's Teeth: Tal Goodtime was originally modeled to have teeth and gums under his mask, but it was removed because multiple members of the team protested the new look.



basically, this example.

Different Footage-Finding Sequence: In the Clickteam version of the game, the player wouldn't have gone to multiple different levels in the facility to find footage, they would have gone up to the Company Office Floor (which would have looked VERY different) each and every night, and would have completed a progressively harder version of the same hacking task each night. A new security animatronic would have come to the floor on each new night, meaning that by night 3 or 4, the player would have had to deal with four animatronics at once.

Office Window: The main surveillance office was originally concepted to have a window at the front of the office as an homage to Jolly 1, however it was removed in the final concepts.

with that, i finished. i started this at 12AM and i finished at 6PM.

you don't have a clue on how long did it take me to do this.



Next up

jolly 4's Monthly Progress Updates (+ a rant about the Jolly 4 script)

JOLLY 4 OFFICE DEMO custom night challenges i made

yes it's capture the intelligence. the extended ost videos are coming with one video per hour (starting at 6AM for some reason)

i think you can already guess what game is about.

one hint: i like it.

don't you think that Kane's April fools jokes aren't funny anymore? and please tell me if you don't fall for this.

i've been wanting to do this for a long time

i think you can almost guess right this time

how whesek came up with the 2021 jolly 4 UE script

remember the april fools about a vhs series on popgoes?

random post about fan games or something. (in this case an export of a long reply to nikson on twitter)