2 months ago

F2P Medic vs average Pyro player

(Again art for a challenge)



Next up

Drew the really new BTD6 Hero Rosalia

(Isn't out yet, though you can see previews on Yt)

I just love the idea of a wholesome looking princess that's actually a prick 🤯

The silly (bloodsucking) siblings

shading w/ airbrush is pretty fun

"Hey guys, check it out! I'm a Zomb-


I didn't mean it like that..."

Prompt: Zombie

My profile is going through some changes🤭

Lil pixel study of a Pawn

Lil snake 🐍💚💚

The rest looks wonky so just have the good snake lmao

#FixTF2 - Rise up June 3rd and tell Valve, enough is enough!

https://save.tf/ https://fixtf2.tf/

Inspired by goofy doofy