Greetings captains:
After weeks of arduous work, we can be more precise regarding a few of the new additions and key dates of “Between the Stars”.

We are happy to announce that we have set Kickstarter’s campaign date. It will go live on September 12th, on the same day we will also release a demo.
This demo will serve as a prologue of the storyline in the game. You will take control of Captain Scott and his crew in order to experience the events that will trigger the war to control the Universe. In this demo, you will find two playable ships, a pletora of events and impressive battles.

During the Kickstarter campaign we will perform a weekly contest for screenshots with the ingame photography system. Each week we will choose the three best screenshots, which will be added to the finished game as loading screens crediting their author. The first place of each week will get a free copy of the game on release day.

Some of the new additions we have implemented for this demo are:
-Upgrade on the ship damage system: you can destroy different parts of the ship now.
-Visual rework on the stations: they are bigger and their details are more polished.
-We have fixed some critical bugs.
-Implemented a new skill panel.
-Added a transmission system inside the game.
Excited yet? More news to come! For now, just remember the date: September 12th, 2018. Kickstarter will go live!