Fazbear Nights 2: Quaesitor Mortis

1 year ago

Fazbear Nights 2: Classic
Version 1.4.0

I mentioned about a day ago that support for Fazbear Nights 2: Classic would be coming out.
And well... here it is!

If you were expecting a large content update then sorry to disappoint but that's reserved for the game's remake, this update however is large in fixes and smaller changes to (hopefully) make the experience a little better.

I do have to warn you though, this was made using an experimental version of Unreal Engine 5. So there might be a few issues here and there that I couldn't pick up on. If that's the case the older 1.3.3 version will still be available to download.

Anyway here's the changelog I cooked up in about a day:

- Added click & hold interactions so you no longer need to spam the music box

- Added invisible walls to the main stage to prevent AI navigation issues

- Added text telling the player that objectives are not optional after failing to finish them at 5AM

- Adjusted stage character positions

- Adjusted & added game over tips

- Adjusted some of the AI sight ranges

- Adjusted AI difficulties per night (should hopefully be more balanced?)

- Adjusted prop positions in the office

- Changed 5AM "scary mode" effect from blood red to a washed out grey (for consistency)

- Changed the clock text color from red to green to match Fazbear Nights 1

- Fixed office fan sound stopping at certain angles

- Fixed Toy Freddy's animations so he no longer looks like he's sliding

- Fixed visual checks for some AI's (looking at you shadows)

- Improved hitboxes for objectives that causes issues previously

- Increased player sprinting speed by around 10%

- Lowered Old Freddy's kill sphere size to make him slightly more fair

- Lowered the chance for the shadows to spawn normally

- Moved the office locker into the main hallway (rip camping strat?)

- Old Bonnie will now check lockers less often

- Old Freddy now approaches the player faster after being spotted

- Player flashlight brightness has been increased

- Puppet will no longer sprint at max speed towards the player, rather it will take a slower approach (mostly)

- Puppet is no longer near the ground after spawning

- Removed static light effect in the office & prize corner

- Removed janky camera enter animation

- Reverted Shadow Freddy sight tolerance system from random to static value

- Removed the invisible walls blocking the right side of the office

- Toy Freddy now moves for longer periods but is slower overall

And that should be everything, it's kinda funny how this is the largest update the game has gotten (in patch notes) and I did it in about a day. Pretty fitting I'd say.

Make sure to report any new (or old bugs) that I missed or just didn't fix.

Anyway, have fun I suppose.




Next up

I wonder what this could be? Hmm...

Fazbear Nights 2 Second Anniversary Devlog (but Early)

Freddy has awakened


Fazbear Nights 2: Classic Version 1.4.1

Rat Race Production Update


Fazbear Nights 2: Remastered Devlog #3


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!

Partial Page Overhaul