If only you could've asked my dad: I played this game all the time when I was a tween and a teenager! It had some of the coolest graphics, colour-scheme-wise on the Game Boy Advance, and the soundtrack really made you feel the tention of what it would have been like to be a participant on the original television-series!
From a "JadeJohnson Records™" perspective, the music in the game is actually really easy to cover, with this song only taking about an hour and a half to cover!
Finally, I've played "Fear Factor: Unleashed" so much, that this entire cover was from my memory only, even the Fear-Meter easter-egg at the end! Same will go for the rest of the game's original-sound-track(OST), before I try to port the GBA-title itself to PowerPoint, but with 3D models instead of 2D sprites, and for next-generation-hardware only!
Please enjoy, and as always, "Happy Jading!™"