- The game meticulously replicates the authentic aesthetic of a VHS-styled project, incorporating various effects and featuring randomized events to ensure a unique experience for each player.
- Operating at 25 Frames Per Second and a resolution of 1024x754, the game is designed to closely adhere to the required overall presentation.
- The game comprises an introductory section with warnings, a main menu, and options settings for Vsync and Volume. These settings are accessible exclusively before initiating the tape, constituting the primary gameplay.
- Within the main menu, players are prompted to select tapes to watch, analogous to choosing chapters in other games. For the initial release, only one tape is available, as the creation of tapes is a labor-intensive process, each potentially offering up to 40 minutes of gameplay.
- Subsequent to the release, additional tapes will be introduced through downloadable content (DLCs) provided in subsequent updates over the following months.
- Certain tapes are segmented to focus on specific skills or aspects of the job, serving as training modules. Examples include segments dealing with animatronics, customer service, or emergency situations.
- Following the conclusion of each tape, a quiz section is implemented, requiring players to respond to questions pertaining to the discussed topics. The answers influence the outcome of the tape/game, adding a consequential element to the gameplay.
- The inaugural tape features a concealed cutscene, unveiling the events transpiring within the tapes and contributing to the overarching narrative.