Another brand new teaser for #TRtoJJs5 and of course, another and brand new parody mascot of Haxx Hustun Studios has been revealed!!!! And for some reason here, he or IT is in an actual shape of a bowling pin!!! Created from Haxx Hustun Studios of course back on April 22nd, 1961, the moment when the red dinosaur Bron was brought to life from of course, Playtime Co, this was designed as for some kind of Mall Keeper!!!
If you don't what "Mall Keepers" are, that they are special kind of parody mascots/characters that helps, protects, and keep everyone's malls a flowing!!! Like greeting the guests in positive respective-ness, making food for them (with the help from them managers and workers of course), helping out with some positive costumer service-ness, and all of those other kinds of that people do in malls!!!
However though, this bowling pin parody mascot wasn't the only one though, because Haxx Hustun Studios and Napature Science had made even more Mall Keepers then Jax Justun Studios!!! That is just crazy here folks!!!! And first off, yes!!! This thing was part of the #1997ParodyNonsense and whatnot!!!! And secondly, we have like no ideas why Baxx Jonnson made a parody mascot/Mall Keeper in a shape of a bowling pin!!! Guess he was into bowling I guess.....Anyways folks, that's all for now and see you all next time!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #PHofJoynessPMnumberFive!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!! #WelcomeToHaxxHustunStudios!!!!!! #NapatureLovesYouAll!!!!!!