3 days ago

Final FNaTI video update (we're finally here)

It's been a long road, creating my most ambitious video pretty much ever. I don't think it'll be topped any time soon.

When I promised the video to release nearly three months ago, I did so with an incredibly naive understanding on the sheer amount of content and the scope of which the content I would be covering was.

FNaTI is probably the most daunting series, content wise, to get into because of how much there is. On the surface, it's really just the few publicly known games, but as you keep going more and more reveal themselves.

Scope creep was something that I didn't know was possible for making videos, but it happened here and I kept adding on to the already long video monstrosity that I had been building. Pretty much, I was not in any way prepared and I learned that the hard way.

Regardless of the mixed experience I had while making this video, I'm super proud of it. This is for sure my favorite video now, and I'm hoping that you all will see where the four and a half months of effort went.

So, what's the plan for release?

The video will be done literally any day now. It could be tomorrow, could be Sunday or (worst-case scenario) Monday, I'm really unsure. All I know is that the end is very much in sight. This really depends on what my decently busy weekend schedule looks like.

Because of this, when the video is done, it'll be going up pretty much immediately. No more waiting around (unless I finish at like 4 AM then I might wait a little bit). The goal is by Sunday at 1 PM CST which is my usual upload time, but again, I'm not sure.

What to expect/plans afterwards

You can expect a very long video going over the extended development of FNaTI, at least all the official games. If you haven't seen the previous update, all sections of the video are laid out there.

After the video is out, I really don't plan on taking a break surprisingly. I've had so much motivation and excitement to start work on some other projects and I think the prospect of being freed from the FNaTI shackles will be enough to get me going again pretty much right away. I hope with this, the streak of ghosting you all ends. I'm excited to work on new (and hopefully less but still ambitious) projects!

See you in a few days :)



Next up

Much needed FNaTI video update

i just finished the casa section fml

no shot. sorry jolly bros.


literally me the past three days

Photo negative Mickey :)

After 4 months, my retrospective and (way) over-analysis of the Five Nights at Treasure Island series is OUT NOW!!


New(ish) video! I really didn't like how the old VR fangames video turned out. So, I went back and re-edited and fixed the video. It's also using the new stills that were gonna be first shown off in the FNaTI video!!



sorry for the delay! the second Abandoned Enigma STICKER PACK is now available. give me 20 dollars

this post has like 50 different meanings right now