Gefährliche Liebe (Boy x Reader)

9 months ago

Finally gave the actors some idle animations + animated shadows. Still gotta animate enemy.

Also new robot dog party member and switching elements now exists.

btw @Alpherisk is helping me with attack animations for the combination skills.

Pretty cool, right? He drew that giant steam cloud in the previous battle gif post.

Switching elements will also switch the elements of the skills you have, as you can see in the 2 gifs. This game is gonna focus a lot on elements. (Mostly alpherisk gave me the idea for the whole switching affecting the actor skills thing. Yeah he's also the ideas guy in this project for battles. It's also why his games contain so many sick movesets for his characters.) (Ice crocodile warrior is coolest one.)

#animegirl #notlikeothergirls #robotdog #robot #dog #assassin #anime #animaybe #elements #lotsaelementstuff #rpgmaker #rpgmakervxace #YNwouldreplaceAisuwiththerobot #anychanceshewouldget #elementaldagger #elementalanything #somewhereintheforest #standsarandombodyguard #guesshegotlostorsmth #idk #yeahicreatedhimbutwhatever #doilooklikeimemorizethemall #sunglasses #gun #weapons #blade #robotdogwithblade #gif #gifwithstuffinit #post #words #text #advertisement


Look out! Unrelated Bible verse incoming!

"By steadfast love and faithfulness iniquity is atoned for, and by the fear of the LORD one turns away from evil." Proverbs 16:6

Opened my bible app to the last page I read and this was one of the first verses I saw, so now I picked this. Second verse right below it was:

"When a man's ways please the LORD, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him."

Yup, Proverbs is an entire book of one proverb showing up after the other. (IT HAS 30 CHAPTERS.)



Next up

Menu Transitions. Might still need some changes.

Early Access for Gefährliche Liebe - (Boy x Reader) is out.

Enemies are animated now.

The ninth winner of our INAYAH Joltbux giveaway is @thechadnicosus !

Enter by completing this quest:

We'll pick one winner for each day the quest is active! 🤯

Smuggling out items from the dungeon by storing them in an ✨illegal storage✨

Congratulations to our War Thunder quest winners!

The quests and event may be over, but you can still play the game:

Thank you to everyone who entered!

Using some script for the save file screen now.

Making editable diary entries in Y/N's diary.

The final winner of our Inayah Joltbux giveaway is @BlurpleGJ !

Thank you to everyone who wishlisted the game to enter! We hope you enjoyed the demo.

You can still wishlist the game at

Savefiles from the demo are now compatible with the Fullversion + the demo can be played in 2 other languages now: German and Simplified Chinese.