(WIP)Bryant the Bully In: Title Pending…

4 months ago

Finally! This is just the base tile(made by @BluRabbit ) and now I'm gonna try to figure out the tile shuffling/arranging every time when it's created



Next up

Been starting to develop the movement, still very early

The day you can repost this

I also set Annie's bday to the release date of Antonball, so that's how I remembered lol

! Breaking News !

Benjiro has learned how to do a spindash

guys! what should i add here

i'm really struggling to add something else here

Blue Spheres


Apparently @TuxedoPig REALLY likes hot dogs, good to know

Guess who made it before Beef Boss, and what I had for dinner back on the island lol

Evolution of Benjiro's Vector since I started working on it honestly I'm super content with his current look and I don't think I'm even gonna change it any further

More Progress!

Just finished with basic editing(for regular solid geometry)

And the collision seems to actually be working flawlessly!

The areas are bigger than they look, but I'll work on that soon