As a result of "Scarejump", Silent "The Player/Avatar" suffers a "Mental Attack".
She is becoming "Helplessness". She barely can move...
nor yell for "Help", she says very quietly...
(Due to being scared too much by the Character that she was caught by).
This is her "Game Over" Mechanic.
When she is "Helplessness" her eyes turns into the look of the "Static Screen".
Tears are also flowing out of her eyes (similar to the Crying Child in "FNaF 4").
Also as the Security Guard, the badge wings are lowered downwards
and covered with the Cloning Material.
The wings around the badge turns from golden into the dark color.
(For example, this also happens when Silent has a hallucinations caused by
Dr. Golden "Preparation"/Master Eerie)
She can't use items and also her Concord Gem Bracelets are... Turned off.
So she can't Summon the Security Guard Comrades for help.
Just a curiosity for you.
Spoiler Alert:
The Security Guard Badge works for 1-UP (SG Silent's Speciality "Last Stand")
When she gets Scarejumped, she can use it to get out of trouble...
it's broken and cannot be used again (Usage - Once per Night).
(I've been working on this video for 5 months?! How did I do that??)
The music and other sound effects have been used for the video purpose
(The music and sounds don't belong to me)
~ Fist Bump/Douglas Robb [Music Box] (Sega "Sonic Forces" Theme Song)
~ FNaS Jumpscare sound (I have made an echo effect for it)
~ And some sounds from FNaF and Sonic Forces
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