5 months ago

Fluffy Finley

Fall of Porcupine's Fan Art

Can't believe it's been a year since I played this

Time goes by so fast.

Edit: Fixed eyelids

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Car bandit

I was able to get the navigation build time during initial load down to like 3 seconds.

The game runs much smoother now - part of the problem was my approach to finding path for chasing player, alongside navigation invokers

Fox Loaf

Cyndaquil has been spooked.

Patch v1.3 - Fixes & Optimization

Locria meets Jessica

Navigation Invokers and Blockers were causing high lag spikes every second

I ended up going back to normal navigation, but it takes like 12 seconds to fully build

Actual fox loaf

Locria in her Office clothes

Requested by @Manic0626