2 years ago

FNaS Pixel Robotics AU: FNaS 2

Yes, After months of waiting the second part of my AU is finally Here. I know it took a long time, I was finished with it a while ago but many complications had happened along the way, but now it’s finally here and I hope you guys enjoy!

The Story:

FNaS 2 (2017):

After the incident that was the Tragedy of 2016, Pixel Robotics employees spent the next few months programming new Animatronic units with a much more simpler AI as to avoid a similar incident they had with the Sonic unit. As a Backup plan however they shipped the Clones to the Backstage of the restaurant just in case anything happened to the Animatronics throughout the day. April then rolls around and Amy rose decided to sign up as a Night Guard for the building because of her connection to Sonic. Knuckles had also worked to gather information about what these characters can do so he could try and protect Amy by leaving phone messages throughout the week. The Week starts out with Amy learning about how the mask will prevent the Toy Animatronics from attacking due to their sensors detecting her with the mask as another Animatronic unit. As the Week passes, the Withered clones begin stalking Amy for their nightmodes have gotten worse due to their conditions. However near the end of her week she noticed a Restless Golden version of Sonic constantly working his way to killing her. While she gotten worried, Curiosity got the better of her and she spent a little overtime with them, leading to her sealing her fate. On the morning after her 8th night, the Golden Sonic finally caught up to her and killed her, hiding her body so that no one could be able to trace her corpse and simply mark her as missing, never to be heard from again…

Yeah there wasn’t a whole lot of changes made overall in my opinion but what I lack for Story, I (hopefully) Make up for with my art!

The Designs:

Toys: For the Toy designs I wanted to add more flare to them overall so it led to Toy Sonic having a Green hill jacket, Toy Mario becoming a full on Magician, Yoshi getting pants, Taingle became a (ironic) mechanic, Balloon Toad getting a snazzy suit, and the Luiginette a full Dimentio redesign. Also Toy Cream now has an outfit based on her Riders design because I also wanted to change her up a bit.

Withereds: My main inspiration behind the Withered Clones designs are based on the Withered Concept art from Next Gen. Unfortunately I’m not consistent so some of them have more messy lineart to emphasize the withering but not all of them do because I’m lazy… and Mighty and Ray aren’t in this one because they’ve been sent back to Pixel Robotics due to their obscurity.

Mineral Toys: These were just fun little extras I decided to make. They were originally based on different minerals but I changed hem due to complications of the original makers (and to make them more unique). But I still had a good time designing them Regardless. (Also Toy Rebekah is the “Mineral Toy” version of Toy Cream, inspired by a Youtuber called Love2DrawManga one of my main inspirations for drawing.)

FNaS 2 Anomalies: Now the terrible two are quite something aren’t they, but it wouldn’t be FNaS 2 without mention of them. Luigikid’s design is a little bit different from what you’re usually used to and that’s mainly because I wanted to emphasize the whole “Poster” thing and make him a being that forms from the poster ink itself! (Fun fact: you can see my original Luigikid drawing on the poster.) And Tails doll is simply a creepy plush version of Tails, nothing too unique there.

Sorry for the Long wait, it was mostly spent drawing and hanging out on Discord and working on something else… But I do sincerely hope that what I have here can make up for the long wait and I’ll certainly have more regarding the AU Soon!

Perhaps Very soon…

Until we meet again!




Next up


(Nightmare Ortensia redesigned as a Nightmare Below Disney Branch R character)

this is actually a redesign/redraw of a drawing I made before of this exact idea

Endless Foresight

Follow me, We are Children of the Machine

Barely Human in a City Built on Broken Dreams

Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes

FNaS 1 Pixel Robotics AU

PSA Regarding my work

FNaS Pixel Robotics AU: Sonic’s Pizzeria Simulator + Pixel Robotics Faculty Fears

Happy birthday to me

#fnafart decided to draw Freddy Fazbear himself for his birthday!

#howifoundfnaf I actually found the game on the App Store when I was just a little kid, never downloaded it nor looked into it until a while later though

I just realized. When I made the SPS Rosters for Pixel Robotics, I forgot to include these guys. Breezie and Sonny, both animatronics.

Thats all, have a good day!

Happy Pride Month Everyone!

#Pridemonth #Pride2024