What the event spawner do is to make enemies respawn every time the player clear a wave of enemies, and every enemy respawn there could be some different enemies than the last wave, and the respawning only works for a finite amount of times, since obviously we cannot make the protagonist stuck in a certain area indefinitely in a fast-paced game (my game is an ARPG), and it would be impossible for the player to get into the midboss and boss when the player is stuck fighting a huge amount of enemies without the sign of them stop spawning.
Like in a Touhou game, there are different kinds of enemies that shoot out different projectiles with different paths and shapes, like the Imp who shoots out mainly non-circular bullets, or the Lost Soul who shoots out mainly circular bullets. Currently only the Imp and the Lost Soul are the available enemy types in the demo.
Also like in Touhou, the maps are in a top-down perspective, and the player will not start in an area facing sideways; they are always facing upwards once starting in an area, but in that map the player can move and attack enemies sideways, since some enemies might spawn to the side of the player. In Touhou there are some sections that enemies spawn beside the player (or at least spawn from the back then appears at the side of the player) like in Touhou 16, where if you stand near the center, then some flying yin-yangs will spawn right at you and then spread out in a circle and shoot bullets at you. The problem with traditional Touhou-type shooters is that the player projectiles are fixed to the upwards direction, so it could be a f***ing frustration hell is you want you projectiles to directly hit an enemy from the side, unlike the average Touhou shot type which has its direction fixed and the bullets that the options shot (those that spread out the screen) are weaker in power than your main shot, which is the one that shoots upwards and cannot spread sideways (and attacking an enemy with bullets shot from the options are just like attacking them indirectly, which might cost you more time than you expect (if you plan to speedrun a Touhou game (either official or fan-made)). So I added the player the ability to attack an enemy sideways directly is to fix this problem, and allow you to fast-killing enemies quicker than mainline Touhou games so as to save time for speedruns (I actually want all of you to speedrun the demo (and the full game) once it is released because I would like to gain some popularity for my game online by having people speedrunning it and stream the speedruns on YouTube, Twitch, and even Facebook (I also saw some Touhou playthroughs on YouTube that only lasts for about 30 mins while that I took ages to reach a Touhou Stage 5, so maybe for my game, which can be finished in about 10-15 mins (demo) or 2-4 hours (full game (maybe?)), I might make some speedrun challenges like those fricking quick mainline Touhou playthroughs for my game too)) and make it closest to a 2-D version of a Scarlet Curiosity-like game.
Anyway, that's an overview of what features do my game's overworld has.