Goofy Ahh Template
2 years ago

for the lazy ones that can't read the description

You have to own MPC beats by purchasing a Akai MIDI Keyboard for these following plugins:


for this to work.

Once you complete what the manual (Yes, there is a manual of how to insert the template into MPC beats.) says. You should see it when you click Files > New From Template



Next up

adult swim's twitter is so good

name a moment that you banged your head against a wall because of it

lets a fucking go

someone got fired

oh so thats who started it.

The Cameos have been completed. (Cameos: @JalabeanSH , @Joshua-1223-5 , and @Adonis_Stickman )

WORSE GAMEJOLT POST EVER? (Cameos: @JalabeanSH , @Joshua-1223-5 , and @Adonis_Stickman ) ("worse tweet ever?" if it were gamejolt)

also hi chat

kinitopet jumpscare