Ladies and gentlemen, it's here! On February 10th, or at the latest on March 20th, the FULL VERSION of Ratafak Remaster will be released. What can you look forward to? Mini-games, various scenes, content that didn’t make it into the game before, complete endings, and more! Additionally, a lot of bugs have been fixed. And all this in just a month or a few weeks (thanks to the completion of the Noxir Engine, the game can now run at full speed).
Next up
Raťafák's Fairy Tale World version 0.7.0f8
Vice city ????
Yep, still in works. I am looking forward to this. (Models by: @Themjio
update List :3
"Raťafák 2: Later" GameJolt page is officially out. --------- "Raťafák 2: Later" GameJolt stránka je oficiálne dostupná.
Update Announcement: Raťafák's Fairy Tale World Demo
!!!!!!!!Raťafák's Fairy Tale World DEMO Version!!!!!!!!
We are still cooking! yippee
Raťafák's Fairy Tale World: Version 0.7.0