Hey, it's me again on the day following the public release of the demo of Tales of Underlegends Chapter 1.
I would like to thank everyone, who stopped whatever they were doing, just to play through the demo and scan for bugs. Quite a lot have been found, some of which I have not come across or heard about. I did have playtesters, and one of them is a very extensive bug reporter.
Keep in mind though, that despite my portfolio, this is my first ever attempt at a full game with a well-driven story. I had plans for games before this, but I ended up scrapping them because they were either too repetitive, too badly designed or I was simply unsatisfied. Only one of them saw the light of day, and it was impossible to complete, so I ended up deleting it as a result.
This is something that I'm also studying at university, so hopefully whatever skills I learn from that will show a great amount of improvement in this game.
Even though I am autistic, I am going to a lot of good effort to make this a good first full game. Areas are unfinished as of now, and I'm not going to leave them that way.
Just remember though... is anything truly free?