21 days ago

Future of AI



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#GJAsks Sleeping Dogs is an underrated masterpiece that deserves a sequel, one of the best games ive played at a PS3

#MostFearedMob it's a rabbit but something's not right....

WIP, idk whether this should be a Phighting oc or just an an average Roblox oc that doesn't come any piece of media

Fuck you soder.

Looks like their gonna be playing on ACL this October, good news for ftp fans

Phighting story mode

#GJAsks I have so many fond memories with the PS3 playing Gundam DW2, Bad Company 2, Fifa 12, and GTA 4 especially with the backwards compatibility in the older models

Im only human after all

4 year old me when a middle aged lady start yapping about symbols on a whiteboard :