I made a little newspost at my Newgrounds regarding what I’ll be doing and when I’ll continue development for this game.
I’ll work on my Animation Jam round 3 entry (For Newgrounds) until it’s finished (around the 1st), then I’ll continue development on the flash game(for newgrounds) I’ve been working on(probably finished by the end of August-mid September),
then I’ll work on my other game that I started way back last December, but never completed, THIS GAME. I have no idea how long but if i had to guess it’ll be a month or two if I really work at it.
If I finish it before December, I’ll try to learn more about Flixel/FlashDevelop/AS3, or even Unity2d. But around the end of December I want to get started on a certain game for Pico day(Newgrounds event), and I’m starting in December because I’d really like it to be done by Pico day and I have no clue how long it may take since it’s not a genre I’ve done before…
But anyways that basically sums it all up, if you want to keep up with my games and animations I recommend following me on Newgrounds http://ninjamuffin99.newgrounds.com/follow
as well as more of my newsposts/updates